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Cheap Price Panasonic VIERA TC-P65VT50 65-Inch 1080p Full HD 3D Plasma TV for sale in USA

Panasonic VIERA VT50 Full HD 3D Plasma TV

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Are you looking for the Cheap Price Panasonic VIERA TC-P65VT50 65-Inch 1080p Full HD 3D Plasma TV for sale in USA?

"This is essentially the best Plasma TV Period for last year updated for the year 2012. Panasonic has taken the same model the "VT30" and made it better and faster largely improving the smartTV aspect.

Upgrades over "VT30":
Touch pad controller. This is obviously designed to combat LGs motion remove (like a Wii controller) and Samsung voice controls. Out of all of these I dislike Panasonic the most. Unless you love laptop mouses, you probably will too.
Web-browser. This is not were it needs to be as far as usability, but they are definitely going in the right direction. I still find that I use my computer for web browsing as it performs more and does it quicker. Also along the same lines though the VT50 now has built in WiFi which I prefer over the wasted external connection of last year.
The new color filters and processing. The color and black and whites on the VT30 were already to die for, this series does it even better. In a time when TV are slowly becoming computers, the VT50 has endless software/hardware to help fine tune all your images to crystal clear quality. The blacks somehow get blacker than black, the white are so clean, and it works well in low or high ambient lighting. The sound is even great for a pencil thin TV.
It makes YouTube videos smoother. It make splits 24p frames to make the transition of imagines cleaner. It does everything better.
The VT30 is by no means a bad TV. It is still a great TV and definitely worth buying. The VT50 is just the younger brother that came along and broke all of VT30 records.

My positives on this TV are almost everything."

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